Why Your Facebook Ads Don't Work

Why Your Facebook Ads Don't Work

January 11, 20244 min read

3 Things You Can Do to Make Better Facebook Ads

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, and it has made it possible to market yourself in ways that wouldn’t have been possible ten years ago. The platform has 1.56 billion daily active users, which is almost five times the US population and 20% of the world’s population. But it’s not just about the number of people who use the platform. The average Facebook user spends almost an hour a day on the platform, which is about 7% of their waking hours. Yet only 48% of marketers think their Facebook ads are effective. 

If you’re one of the many people who aren’t happy with the results of their Facebook ad campaigns, here are three ways that you can make them better. 

#1: Master Message to Market Match

The biggest reason why most Facebook ads don’t work isn’t because they have the wrong campaign objective, placement, or budget. In fact, it has nothing to do with the overall setup of their ads. The reason why most of them fail is because they’re saying the wrong things to the wrong people, which could be because their message is either unrelated or unappealing.

An unrelated message makes an offer that people don’t care about. It sells in a way that doesn’t reflect the needs of the market. It only talks about the features of the product or service it’s trying to advertise without talking about how their lives would benefit from making a purchase. An unappealing message is packaged wrong. In other words, it’s just boring. It doesn’t do anything to grab someone’s attention, so they don’t stop to read it. And if they do, they won’t take any action.  

This is where message to market match comes in, which means that your message needs to match with your market. Who are you talking to? Is it retailers or manufacturers? Is it a small business or a major corporation? You need to be clear on this point, because every segment of the market will have their own set of needs and problems. 

#2: Know the 40/40/20 Rule

The 40/40/20 Rule refers to the three elements that go into the success of any ad campaign: 

  • 40% to Your Market – If you want to get good results, you need to take the time to understand and identify with your market. You also need to put the right message in front of them. Facebook ads have a lot of options that will allow you to get in front of the right people.

  • 40% to Your Offer – This relates to the value exchange that you’re offering, which is what will drive them to take action. This could be a discount on a product, a rebate, or free delivery. Think about what you’re offering and whether it’s irresistible enough to get their attention. 

  • 20% to Your Copy – This refers to the message and all the visual elements in addition to the words you use. While it only makes up 20% of the “rule,” getting this wrong could be enough to make or break your ad campaign. 

The 40/40 20 Rule is very powerful because it gets to the root of what’s really important: your customers and their problems. Too many advertisers spend too much time on fancy words and pictures, but they’re not getting to the core of their audience’s problems and how to solve them. In some cases, an overly polished or over-produced ad can turn people off. 

#3: Understand the Marketing Rule of 7

The Marketing Rule of 7 was developed by the movie industry in the 1930’s. Studio executives found out that it took seven touch points or interactions to get potential customers to watch a movie. Since then, it has become a rule in marketing. If you want your product or service to succeed, your prospects need to hear your message at least seven times before you can expect them to take action. Patience and understanding are the keys to your success in Facebook marketing. It may even require a little humility. 

The advantage of this rule is that it gives you some kind of benchmark. It will also reset your expectations when it comes to advertising. You run ads, follow up, then follow up again and again. It can also be helpful to run custom ads or even put them on an email list. 

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